
Assisting recovery…

Drug misuse currently costs society almost £20 billion a year. It has been proven that the engagement in creative activities has prevented relapses into alcoholism and drug abuse, which helps reduce crime and re offending rates as well as reducing pressure on support services and the NHS.

From recent consultations with our partners at Turning Point and Anglia Care Trust, we know that the provision of creative arts and in particular music-based activities are crucial to maintaining well-being, self-esteem, maintaining stable recovery and have even been described as a ‘lifeline’.

Client and support worker feedback has shown that the provision of a structured routine and positive diversionary activities dramatically helps with the reduction of substance misuse which then has a direct impact on a reduction in crime. 

Our workshops pass on knowledge and skills which in turn provide opportunities, helping improve the confidence and life chances of participants.


‘Fantastic sessions, really lifted my soul, can’t wait for the next one!’ 

Derri’s Story – Community Fund

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